Ainslie Homes

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Ainslie Homes - Jeff and John Ainslie

Price range: $300,000s - $500,000s

Since 1984, Ainslie Homes has been one of Hampton Road's largest new home builders. Within each community that Ainslie Homes builds, you can choose from several models and floor plans. Ainslie Homes offers flexibility to customize the home's footprint to fit your lifestyle with details that can be modified for your style and tastes.

Jeff & John Ainslie

Passionate about their industry, Jeff Ainslie and John Ainslie began their careers in home building more than 30 years ago, patiently learning each craft on the construction site and through every step of the process. This dedication and thorough understanding of construction allows for creative innovation where the team consistently searches for ways to improve each home for beauty and efficiency. As the head team for Ainslie Group, Jeff and John's mission is to create homes that exceed families' expectations and build communities that endure.

Read more about Jeff and John Ainslie.